It’s Time to Start a Revolution Through Innovation!

Do you feel there is still time to nurse our planet back to health?
At Revomax, we have taken on a massive mission. Through our products, services, and support, we are committed to pursuing a global Revolution Through Innovation.
But, what does that mean for you? It means that we promote and highlight the latest innovations from the world’s young, determined problem solvers. And, we are committed to supporting and encouraging every innovation that helps our planet.
"If you have an idea or a dream of innovation, we encourage you to reach for it with all your might"
DID YOU KNOW? At the age of 16, a young Dutch kid by the name of Boyan Slat divoted a school project to finding a solution to cleaning rubish from the oceans after a holiday snorkeling in Greece. 8 years later his company "The Ocean Cleanup" successfully cleaned 60 bags of garbage floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
What does “Innovation” actually mean?
The dictionary definition of innovation includes new ideas, new thoughts, and creative methods. At Revomax, we define innovation as ideas, products, and services that benefit our planet. Creative thinkers and problem-solvers around the globe are creating solutions to our modern crises. From ocean clean-up efforts to unique reusable products, innovations come in all shapes and sizes.
We are also convinced that innovations do not have to be big. Even the smallest steps towards improvement make a difference for our world. Whether someone has a new idea for a planet-saving product or an improvement on an existing process, there are countless ways to innovate.
"At Revomax, we define innovation as ideas, products, and services that benefit our planet."
Why is innovation important?
Good enough is never good enough. Throughout history, the most successful societies and people rely on innovation and new ideas to consistently move forward. As novel problems or challenges arise in our world, it will take a new way of thinking to combat these issues.
Good enough is never good enough.
In the early 12th century, the compass was invented and forever changed the way we explore the world. The 1400s saw the improvement of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, which was able to create up to 3,600 pages per day on a single machine. In the late 1800s, the electric light was invented and improved by Thomas Edison to last longer. By the 20th century, the world faced global health crises and the invention of antibiotics during that struggle continues to save countless lives to this day.
With all of the historic and world-changing inventions, there is a common thread. Someone saw a need or a challenge and rose to the occasion in order to solve it. The path was rarely easy, and it took great time and dedication to turn an idea into a reality. However, in the end, we could not imagine our world without these incredible innovations.
While it would be easy to get discouraged by the challenges we face, true innovators rise up to tackle problems head-on.
Today, our world is facing an entirely new set of problems. We are armed with more knowledge than ever before, but it has made us aware of issues like ocean pollution, air pollution, environmental decay, health crises, and much more. While it would be easy to get discouraged by the challenges we face, true innovators rise up to tackle problems head-on.
Where can innovation be found?
It may sound impossible, but innovation can be found anywhere and by anyone. Innovative ideas do not come with a net worth, celebrity status, education level, or social standing. You do not have to be the richest or even the smartest person in the room to create a world-changing innovative idea.
In most cases, innovation comes from within and is very personal. From surfers who saw a need to clean up the ocean they loved to a young man obsessed with space who developed new rocket-launching technology, innovation is driven by passion and need. Identifying a problem in the world around you or finding a way to improve something you love are two of the biggest sources of inspiration for innovative ideas.
At Revomax, we believe that innovation lives inside all of us. It just takes courage, support, and determination to unlock the innovative ideas within you. Everyone has the potential to be a problem solver and do their part to change the world for the better.
Young people are leading our quest for innovation
It is not surprising that many of the top innovators today are young people. Innovation can happen at any age, but it seems to impress us more when a young person executes on an innovative idea. We know that designing and creating an innovative product or service is far from easy, but today’s young people have the determination and drive to do the work.
Perhaps the spike in young innovators is due to a connected culture. Everyone is linked across the globe through social media, sharing photos of their home country or daily lives, and openly discussing the problems they see that ignite their passion. Maybe the boost in innovators comes from a socially-conscious generation, more aware of the world around them than generations past. Whatever the reason, we are grateful to each and every innovator for their contributions to the world.
Join our Revolution Through Innovation
If you have an idea or a dream of innovation, we encourage you to reach for it with all your might, knowing the entire Revomax team is cheering you on. Remember that small steps towards innovation can make a big difference. Start by simply commenting your innovative ideas or favorite modern innovations below.
Join our mailing list and follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest news and innovative ideas impacting our planet. We look forward to connecting with you and working together to drive a Revolution Through Innovation.
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